Grid Trading

Turn your Battery into a profit making revenue stream, help the grid handle periods of high demand and contribute to a cleaner planet with ‘Grid Trading’.

A new and enticing incentive for solar battery owners, with Grid Trading, you’ve got the power (literally!) –

Create a revenue stream from your Battery Storage – Selling excess Solar back to the grid for profit.

Become your energy supplier’s energy supplier – Many Solar & Storage owners benefit from negative bills, i.e. they earn more than they spend in a year.

Do your bit for the planet – Helping the grid to become more efficient is a big step to reducing CO2e as battery storage responds to demand quicker than the gas fired power stations typically used for peak coverage.

The Government’s Smart Export Guarantee introduced after Feed In Tariff finished in 2019, ensures Solar PV owners are paid for exported energy.  Solar PV owners adding battery storage now have another way to benefit by selling excess energy generated during daylight hours back to the grid in the evening peak period.


The introduction of the innovative time-of-day (ToD) tariffs like Octopus Flux reward Solar owners for exporting renewable energy.  Battery Storage can be set up to discharge excess energy to the grid at Peak Rates in the evening, normally 4pm – 7pm.  Some batteries can also be set up to charge on cheap rate electric in the early hours, typically 2am – 5am, to ensure Grid Trading is maximised.

More advanced Battery Storage systems, like Tesla’s Powerwall, use weather forecasting to ensure you don’t top up on cheap rate if there’s going to be enough free Solar Energy to top up your battery during the day, ready for peak rate discharge.

To help you understand the Grid Trading process clearly, we’ve put together the below animation:

N.B – Check which battery storage systems have which features and get the low down on what to look out for on our “6 Watts? of Solar Storage” page.